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Volunteer with the MLA

Could you help us look out for Mississippi Lake and our lake community?

The MLA depends on volunteers to promote the interests of the lake as we balance environmental protection, recreational activities, and the lake community.

If you only have a limited amount of time or if you want to get involved in the MLA, there are always opportunities.  The MLA depends on volunteers to make things happen around the lake.  Whether it is looking after the cautionary buoys, obtaining water quality samples or counting loons it is fun to get out on the water with your neighbours and do something to help.



  • If you are interested in maintaining high water quality to sustain a healthy natural environment, supporting the use & enjoyment by residents & visitors and to maintain a healthy & diverse ecosystem, including a healthy fishery...

  • If you are interested in collecting information and writing stories for the Environment Section on the MLA Website..


  • If you are interested in identifying and helping to reduce invasive plant species (the MLA conducts annual inventory surveys of Invasive Aquatic Plants in Mississippi Lake)...


  • If you are interested in helping our annual loon count by driving your boat around a section of the lake with observers from the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists…

  • Contact the Environment Team



Boating & Recreation:


If you are interested in helping out with the marker buoy program, whether helping to deploy them in the Spring or recover them in the Fall, or serving as a buoy spotter (in case any go astray during the boating season)...

Contact the Boating and Recreation Team.





If you could help get the word out, publicize issues and advocate for the lake, or if you enjoy creating visual content, attending events and talking to people about the lake or working with our sponsors, we'd love to hear from you.

Contact the Communications Team.




There are some 35 different "shores" around Mississippi Lake, many of which are accessed via private roads.  If you are interested in gathering information and sharing issues involving living on private roads...

Contact the Roads Team


Find your own role!


Contact us to chat about how you might carve out your own niche in your lake association, 


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