Invasive Aquatic Species Monitoring
In concert with Watersheds Canada and Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN), MLA is undertaking a series of surveys to better catalog the state of vegetation in the lake, and to detect at the as soon as possible when various invasive species are introduced.
In addition to the cataloging effort, this project will address options for removing invasive species (where practicable) and will coordinate efforts to disseminate information on how to prevent invasive species from taking root in the first place.
In 2021, the MLA organized a training and information webinar on Invasive Species to help train our volunteers who participate in the Invasive Species Survey. Check out the training presentation here and learn more about the work the MLA did with the Invasive Species Centre.
Lake Map showing the locations of Invasive Species detected to date
2018 Invasive Species Survey - including consolidated 2016-2018 results