Road Association interaction with the MLA
This section contains important information if you are a member of a Road Association (RA) around Mississippi Lake, and especially if you are a Director (President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) of a RA.
What the MLA does for you
The Objectives of the MLA are focused on providing information and support to the Lake Community. We do this in a variety of ways, including, but certainly not limited to:
deploying cautionary buoys for boaters;
monitoring and reporting on water quality;
monitoring the health of the lake through wildlife (Loon, Turtle, etc.) surveys;
monitoring aquatic vegetation trends (invasive species, etc.); and
reporting lake water levels promulgated by MVCA.
The above activities are geared towards maintaining a healthy ecosystem where we can live, work, and play. But the MLA provides more direct assistance by being in a great position to advocate on behalf of RAs and its members when difficult issues arise requiring outside agencies and governments to respond. Such issues include:
coordinating questions and responses from candidates for municipal elections;
engaging municipalities to develop a Private Road Equilization Payment (PREP) program;
engaging municipalities and MVCA regarding floodplain issues and Safe Roads;
engaging the fishing community regarding tournaments on the lake;
engaging the appropriate authorities (including RCMP) regarding noise and other disturbances;
and much more.
Individual property owners, and indeed RAs, can engage the authorities on their own for these issues, but we feel that the MLA can exert far greater influence by making representations on behalf of a large number of people. This is why MLA feels that membership in the MLA is of great benefit to our lake community.
How you can help the MLA
The MLA is a not-for-profit organization that depends on revenue from membership dues and donations to provide the necessary funds to undertake the above activities. The greatest service that property owners can provide to the MLA is to become Members and to help us deliver the goods. A valuable service that RAs can thus provide is to recruit their members to become MLA members. The MLA is prepared to recognize this effort through a deduction of membership fees if all properties in a RA become MLA members. Please visit the Join Us pages to see how this can be done and why becoming a MLA member benefits everybody.
Can a RA become a MLA Member?
Yes, or course! Organizations such as RAs, businesses, other Lake Assocations, etc. can become MLA members and can enjoy the same benefits and privileges as individual members. Simply use the Membership Application Form to register, identify the person that will represent your RA, and submit the membership fee to the MLA Treasurer. Visit the Policy and Benefits page for further information about benefits for RAs that become MLA Members.